Transcripts. Bannon’s War Room. Joe Allen Gives His Analysis of Neuralink Presentation December 1, 2022. Part III
Topic: Transhumanism. Joe Allen. December 1, 2022. Part III.
Transcripts from Bannon’s War Room on Rumble: Joe Allen Gives His Analysis of Neuralink Presentation.
Published on December 1, 2022.
Steve Bannon
Joe Allen you've covered this for a long time. I want to put this in perspective, and I want to hold you through the break. And I've got Dave Walsh and Crom Carmichael are going to join me on the other side. How much farther and this what I said that Twitter, the engineering of Twitter's of tinker toy tinker toy. That's why a guy like Elon Musk let half the staff go, he doesn't care, he’ll bring some guys over from tube from Tesla the programmers.
I mean he is an idiot savant, clearly from the managerial of massive engineering talent is extraordinary. You got to give the devil his due. Because last night that presentation, I was not prepared of a how detailed it was going to be. And like I said, I understand very little of this, although I pride myself in being able to kind of think things through and get it. But how much, we got about 45 seconds here, how farther down the road was he then you, who covers us all the time. thought he was going to be sir.
Joe Allen
Quite a bit. It was a lot different from his presentation of Optimus the Robot, which is just ridiculous even though in the long-term that's also the tremendous concern. It was really, really impressive I think the degree to which they have kind of been able to hone a technology that has been used by other companies. But because Neuralink utilizes all of those different threads you can go into that after the break, but because it has a thousand threads and potentially some thirty-six thousand threads it will be far, far, far, superior to what, Synchron and Black Rock Neurotech already have in people's heads.
Steve Bannon
Joe Allen stick around. Break
Joe, what concerned me, I've got Dave Walsh coming on in a second on energy, you're seeing the same problem and it's not about the mainstream media, are they fair, not fair. It's like they’re such light weights now. They don't even know how to. And right now, I think there's a live stream or something on SPF and it's a citizen journalist, they're asking the tough detailed questions, right? And these regular journalists are just like, they just don't even have the gravitas, they don't have the knowledge, or they don't have the guts, or the gumption as my mother used to say to go ahead and ask these questions.
Last night, and I realized it was a selected crowd, what we did and I'm really proud, this is what GETTR gives us the opportunity to do we live streamed, we picked up there live, streamed, about 27,000 people know relatively late at night, for four hours and very few people left and Grace and Mo kind of ran it and Joe was the host of it and did great commentary before and after. But here's what got me, and I realized it was a selected thing, the questions weren't nearly as sophisticated as the ones we had coming with the live stream and the questions you would have asked.
Although it was a very detailed presentation, did a good job but I found what and this tells us what the modern world is like today, and this thing is so important about us as a species. And it ties together and you kind of see the world clearer when you understand what they're trying to accomplish and cut out the canton and the rhetoric.
Most of the media including the Drudge link was about the experimentation on the monkeys, right. Look, this animal experimentation got to be rigorous and you can't do it the way that Fauci and some of these other guys did, but that is the missed the point, it's not about the monkeys it’s not about the Apes.
This about the homo sapiens. I mean, they had the line in there. And he uses the throwaway line, but it was meant for everybody in this audience. If the ape behaves his self and does his thing, they give it a banana smoothie, right? And they keep doing it because it’ll get a banana smoothie. That is what they’re really talking to the audience. Joe Allen about the reporting and how this was covered sir, your assessment.
Joe Allen
The event itself, most all of the questions were just simply tech geek questions. There are a few questions about the ethics of using monkeys for the experimentation and there was no question as to whether or not the overall vision was insane, the idea of merging human beings’ minds with artificial intelligence mainly because I think that that sort of idea is so common in Silicon Valley and just in the tech community in general.
I'm not sure where that was held, but you can be sure these were mostly insiders, if not all insiders. It was just taken for granted that that's normal. And among our media they're really worried that Elon Musk might allow somebody to say something honest on Twitter, I think they should be worried about that because they really can't withstand the scrutiny of honesty, but there is no real concern other than the occasional sort of exploration for this general exploration of oh these transhumanist over here have these certain beliefs, isn't that interesting or oh, look at the technology it's really wonderful we can't wait to see what happens, maybe it'll be dangerous but then they go on to it, puff it up.
So, I think that one part of it is cowardice because tech oligarchs have a lot of power, and you can be sure that if the New York Times came out tomorrow against transhumanism and technocracy and all the entire techno fetishists tech culture then a lot of their funding would dry up and their connections would too.
And of course, they would not get any traffic because the tech oligarchs are determining that as well. So, there are a lot of reasons for that sort of cowardice, and I think maybe part of it too, is just that they probably also take for granted that we're on our way to, you know, some new high-tech civilization.
And so maybe they're comfortable with it, very difficult to say, I will say this, just in closing, Steve, I do think as much as I disagree with Elon Musk's worldview and that's pretty much 100%, I really do think he's correct about human beings already being cyborgs risk steppingstone to cyborgs with our constant attachment to digital devices. I think that it has made a very fertile bed for the seeds of things like Neuralink or like artificial intelligence as a sort of companion or genetic engineering for that matter, to normalize the introduction of technology into day-to-day life, to that degree, has really made it possible for these more extreme technologies to catch on in the public mind.
Steve Bannon
I'm going to leave you, but we'll get you back. He made the case for that. He says hey, really your so on your phone, you're slow down by your thumb, here I'm just taking the thumb, I'm taking the physical element away, we’re directly embedding it and we're going to merge the machine and the man. And they say that working with the FDA, trust me by the summer of next year we're going to be into it, you watch...
Joe Allen
You know Synchron already has implants in people that’s FDA approved for lifelong brain-computer interfaces. They beat Musk to it. So, I think the in Synchron is by my understanding way more primitive than Neuralink. So, I think yes, a very good chance in six months, you're going to start seeing it rolling out in patients who need it and then, who knows how long before they start actually getting techno freaks to buy it just commercially.
Steve Bannon
Patients, who want it, not need it. Joe. How do people get to your writings, sir?
Joe Allen
You can find everything at War, under the transhumanism tab, and you can find my latest article ‘Con them with Kindness Long-termism and Effective Altruism or the New Faces of Transhumanism’. That's at the top of my social media at Joebotxyz and you can find it at my website, Joebotxyz.
Thank you very much Steve.
Steve Bannon
Sir, thank you very much.
(Note to readers: I am not affiliated with Bannon’s War Room. I am merely transcribing so that people could copy and share. Also, it is sometimes hard to decipher the actual words due to poor audio. Thank you for reading this and sharing.)