Transcripts. Bannon’s War Room. Dr. Naomi Wolf on Leftist Cynical Methods of Masking Rhetoric. September 8, 2022. P1.
Topic: Masking Rhetoric. Guest. Dr. Naomi Wolf. September 8, 2022.
Cold Open: Ep 2140: I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight; Bill Barr's Media Tour; Dr Wolf Continues To Be Censored Cold Open MSNBC (Episode 2140: Location: 27:29)
Transcripts from Bannon’s War Room on Rumble: Dr. Naomi Wolf on Leftist Cynical Methods of Masking Rhetoric
Peter Navarro:
The great Naomi Wolf is here and just ask her, what is your immediate reaction to that knowing what we know now about masks and other things?
Dr. Naomi Wolf:
My reaction is that the people and we know now that it was and is a giant propaganda mechanism where these talking points are focused grouped in detail. And psychologists you know give input about what's going to work and test and iterate the message.
They know my tribe really well they really do and it's so so evil and cynical because the people I know and love on the left, if you are told that if you don't wear a mask you're a racist or wearing a mask is a sign of solidarity with hard hit Native American communities, communities of color you have no choice, you have to put the mask up on and you can't even engage in critical thinking or debate or discussion, how does this help people of color? Or people of color have been disproportionately affected by the nonsensical medically unnecessary lockdowns and stay at home orders. Or people of color are being you know are staying away from the damaging and in some cases lethal mRNA injections because they know about a history of being exploited by pharma and exploited medically by government. No, if you're told and I saw another tweet about this actually. I saw a professor at a Suni college which is especially shameful cause this is state funded education, saying in my class we’ll mask. We're masking to show so we won't be ableist because there may be someone immunocompromised and by masking, we show that we empathize with people who are not healthy.
I mean this is just like getting into not even related to objective fact or utility. It's I mean that phrase virtue signaling is overused but it's become purely semiotics is what they used to call it in my undergraduate days, pure signifier of I'm not a racist, I'm not an ableist.
And I'm just really angry because the people doing this are hurting young people. They're hurting their social development. They're hurting their communication. They're hurting their respiration and in ‘The Bodies of Others’ my book I pointed out that Big Tech loves masking because it drives people onto tech platforms. It weakens tuman strengths of communication expression and bonding, emotional bonding.
So, it's a very cynical way to lure liberal well-intentioned young people or people of all ages to do something bad for them and not helpful to anyone because it serves the oligarchs in the Big Tech.
Peter Navarro:
So, there's no question what the science will tell you is that although there may be benefits of wearing masks the costs and risk for the population greatly outweigh that. is that fair to say?
Dr. Naomi Wolf:
Well, it's a little bit different from what you just described. 150 peer reviewed studies now have shown that masks barely make a difference. And the only ones, cloth masks don't make any difference. The only ones that you are N95 masks properly fitted etc etc, but that's not the point. The point is, Megan Mansell who actually is trained and her profession is helping people with issues like this right kind of environmental health and avoiding environmental hazards, she points out that the masking rhetoric treats everyone as if they're immunocompromised (technical glitch).
(Note to readers: I am not affiliated with Bannon’s War Room. I am merely transcribing so that people could copy and share. Please feel free to use this as you see fit. Also, it is sometimes hard to decipher the actual words due to poor audio. Thank you for reading this and sharing.)