Transcripts. Bannon’s War Room. Amy Kelly Pfizer Documents Disclose Staggering Drop in Male Fertility from the COVID Vaccine. October 3, 2022
Topic: Dr. Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly. Episode 2198 Location 22:07. October 3, 2022
Transcripts from Bannon’s War Room on Rumble: Amy Kelly Pfizer Documents Disclose Staggering Drop in Male Fertility from the COVID vaccine
Published October 2, 2022.
Steve Bannon:
I want to go to we already played a little bit of the clip of the beginning. this is massively important because this is the driving force of the truth through hard work and research. We've got Amy Kelly. Naomi, I want you to tee it up first we bring on Amy. What have you guys found, and she did this video that's going viral. Give us the overall kind of architecture this and I want to bring in Amy with the punchline. What is going on here? And why are people so drawn to this right now talking about it?
Dr. Naomi Wolf:
Sure, I can't believe that it's up to us to announce these research findings instead of the American Medical Association or the New York Times but here we go. Basically, for background I've shared with all of you that these Pfizer documents show 360-degree harms to human reproduction. And what Amy Kelly with her original research has found, I asked her to kind of dive deep with the volunteers into other search results for human reproduction and she did. And she did now I believe three videos and they're finding horrific damage to male sexual health. There's no other way to say it and her viral video, well they're all viral, the first one showed that well it's show, she’ll explain it, that actually the vaccines make antibodies in men against their own seaman essentially harming their fertility. Other videos, other research she's done have shown that vaccines harm male potency. There's no other way to say this, create impotence or linked to impotence and prostate problems and also damages we saw in the Journal Andrology to sperm motility and to sperm health basically. So, it's 360 degrees, oh my God I'm skipping one of videos, severe injuries to the penis like being full thrombotic injuries to the penis. mRNA Vaccines Events Include Severe Injury to Penis
So, I mean this is the kind of thing we found, or the research volunteers the War Room Daily Clout research volunteers haven't found to date which include horrible damage poisoning breast milk, damage to placentas, damaged the menstrual cycle. If that didn't raise an alarm that these are ..
Steve Bannon:
So, Amy let me bring you in here for a second cause what Naomi just went through you've got the whole punch list for how every man in America would be in the fetal position right now right. So, walk us through the evidence for all this what's the evidence to back up these claims ma'am.
Amy Kelly:
Okay well I as Naomi said did a deep dive into the Pfizer documents to see what was there. It's been pretty shocking to find what they knew about during the clinical trials and that includes harm to testes as well as different ways of exposure happening through sexual intercourse for example, and what Naomi mentioned about the anti-sperm antibodies is a really big deal.
So, one of the adverse events that has shown up in the Pfizer documents is anti-sperm antibodies sometimes called ASA. What that means is that when those are present the body views sperm as an invader or an enemy and it looks at it as something to attack and kill off and can lead to infertility based on multiple other sources I found. Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction and Multiple Prostrate Problems Appear After mRNA Vaccination
And additionally, there was a report out I believe it was in June that showed that even with two doses of the mRNA vaccines there was a staggering drop in fertility. It dropped by about 22% at that time and that is both the concentration of sperm as well as the motility of sperm or how it’s able to move around.
And there that research went out for about 6 continued I should say for about six months and even at that part there was still a much lower level of fertility. And then they ended it and so we don't really know when if ever it comes back to normal levels. And of course, that doesn't take into account the fact that there are also boosters that people may have gotten which would further reduce it.
Steve Bannon:
Amy hang on for one second. We're going take a short break.
Amy Kelly kind of the organizing, the chief of the research effort at Daily Clout, Naomi Wolf of course the founder and the firebrand. We're going to turn in a moment about how this is going unnoticed, next in the War Room.
Okay Naomi we're kind of pressed for time but I got to get this out because these videos and we're going to put the videos up on the site and then make sure everybody sees them and quite frankly Pfizer and the government officials should start responding to this stuff. You know we try to be evenhanded here like on the machines we always linked to what the machine guys are saying, just so people can read it. It's your choice or not to read it, but we always try to make access information so people can see both sides of the point.
Here's what I don't get. These videos are so powerful and Amy Kelly just kind of gives it to you matter of fact, bang bang bang right and it's backed up. With these documents were supposed to not see the light day for 70 years or 75 years number one, highly suspicious. Number 2 there were about an ongoing process. Here's what I think is hard for the American people get their heads around. Given the information that's in here that she's now promulgated, how could no one in the media, how could no one in the American Medical Association, how could no one at the FDA say you pick it, institution, hospital, doctors association, media all of it, why is it have to be.
Oh, we lost Naomi. Okay fine why does it have to be and this is to you Amy. Why does it have to be you guys putting it out? This is why I don't understand. Why or none of the officials in the institutional with the doctors’ organizations, the hospitals, Pfizer or something like CDC or FDA, Amy Kelly?
Amy Kelly:
That's a great question Mr. Bannon. I find it quite shocking honestly. So all of this is in the Pfizer documents. It's readily available. They had a couple of documents that came out within two to three months after the EUA was approved that showed just shocking harms to male fertility and a lot of other shocking harms.
Those documents you can see when you look at them the FDA had them in their possession by April 1, 2021. So, they were well aware of what was going on and yet no one is talking about it, it's like it doesn't, no one other than us as talking about it, like it doesn't exist. So, I don't know how the media can ignore it all these medical people and institutions can ignore it and just keep chanting safe and effective and go out and get your booster. It's been so harmful.
Steve Bannon:
Hang on cause I think this is why quite frankly Naomi, we dropped you inadvertently and we have a tech issue and we got to go but is this why there's only 1.2% of people eligible for boosters of taking the boosters, that the American people now know because of your work and others and now out into the system although MSNBC and CNN are still the big cheerleaders, they understand some things up and they just want to go whoa I got to rethink this. Is this the reason we're seeing such a low pickup of the booster shots ma'am?
Dr. Naomi Wolf:
I think you know I can only conjecture, but you know if it wasn’t for these relentless and alternative media is I mean it is videos about these …(inaudible).
Steve Bannon:
Amy while we have time, where do you guys go from here? Are you putting out more videos that are going to go viral? Where is Daily Clout going on this investigation from here?
Amy Kelly:
Yes, I'm going to continue doing research as other topics come to mind and arise. I've certainly gotten a lot of suggestions on things to report on from people that have already watched the video. And so, we use a tool called Abstractor to do a lot of our research and it is open to the public and you can go in a keyword search and that has helped me a lot in being able to pull out these specific topics and find out about how exposure is happening and how these particular harms are happening to men. So, I will definitely continue reporting on it both for men as well as anything that comes up to add on to what Naomi has already done for women and babies.
Steve Bannon:
Where have you where can people go get all of it? Where can they find out that women the babies where can they find out all this thing about the men? Where do people go right now to check this out and to find out more about what you guys are doing and see if they want to support you?
Amy Kelly:
If you go to Daily up on the right-hand side, you can see it right there it says read the latest Pfizer reports. If you click on there the reports are there as well as the videos we're discussing. And please do support us there is a donate button up at the top and all of that goes to helping with this type of research and supporting the infrastructure to be able to do it.
And I also just want to speak out and say how very thankful I am to the War Room Posse and all of the volunteers who have helped with this. None of these things would be coming out with all the hard work and research they've done they've been absolutely amazing and continue to be.
Steve Bannon:
Most amazing people on earth name is you know from working with him every day and the great job you're doing is organizing us Daily Clout people can't thank you guys enough Amy Kelly thank you very much honored to have you on here thank you.
(Note to readers: I am not affiliated with Bannon’s War Room. I am merely transcribing so that people could copy and share. Please feel free to use this as you see fit. Also, it is sometimes hard to decipher the actual words due to poor audio. Thank you for reading this and sharing.)